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The holidays are fast approaching, and you may be wondering how you can sell your turnkey property during this busy time of year. Don’t stress, the answer is simple: get festive! Here are some things you can do to make your turnkey rental property a little more enticing and fun for the holidays.

Set up Holiday Lighting
Consider putting up lights on the exterior of the home to really brighten things up. Not only is this eye-catching from a street view, but it also allows potential buyers to envision celebrating their holidays in the home. Plus, who doesn’t a beautiful lights display? You can install these lights yourself or hire a company specialized in safe lighting applications.

Bring in The Decor
Make things feel Christmasey by bringing in the tree! Decorate the turnkey with a tree and stockings along with other fun decor to entice visitors to come visit. Consider snapping a couple pictures and post them on social for even more exposure!

Play Christmas Music During Showings
Looking to sell your turnkey and holding an open house? Have some Christmas music playing! This will put buyers in a cheerful mood and really celebrates the season. But don’t go overboard! Playing Christmas music at high volumes during an open house could greatly annoy some potential buyers.

Want to save up to $15,000 by cutting out the middle man? Contact Detroit Investment Deals today!