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3 Key Benefits Of Residual Income

3 Key Benefits Of Residual Income

You may have heard of residual income - perhaps from an investor, or from a simple Google search. When looking for turnkey properties, do you really know the benefits of residual income? While there are many reasons, the main takeaways can get lost in the weeds of...

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Detroit Real Estate Trends For 2020

Detroit Real Estate Trends For 2020

The Detroit real estate market took a turn for the better in the 2010s, with mortgage rates reaching a major low in 2019. We have seen trends come and go, and we're expecting some major changes coming in 2020. Here are some things you could be seeing in the Detroit...

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Selling Your Property During The Holidays

Selling Your Property During The Holidays

The holidays are fast approaching, and you may be wondering how you can sell your turnkey property during this busy time of year. Don't stress, the answer is simple: get festive! Here are some things you can do to make your turnkey rental property a little more...

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3 Things to Know About Turnkey Investments

3 Things to Know About Turnkey Investments

Some assume turnkey rental properties are easy investments and are no work at all. But that is far from reality. In order for you to make a successful turnkey rental investment, you have to put in the work and research different markets, property managers and much...

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